Dark Olive Matte

Cone 6 75.0 – Nepheline Syenite 10.0 – Whiting 10.0 – Dolomite 4.0 – Bentonite 5.0 – Silica 104 – Total Then Add: 2.0 – Black Copper Oxide

EM Satin Clear

Cone 6 Works well with colorants. 21.0 – Silica 20.0 – Nepheline Syenite 20.0 – Whiting 20.0 – EPK 20.0 – Frit 3134 2.0 – Bentonite

VC Clear 2167 Gloss

This recipe from Val Cushing is Jess’ favorite and most used clear glaze. Sparkling clear that works on a wide range of clay bodies. Cone 6 Works well with colorants. 46.0 – Minspar 30.0 – Gerstley Borate 13.0 – EPK 11.0 – Silica