Michele’s Butternut Squash Soup

When there’s a rumbly in your tummy, and a chill in the air, nothing can beat this soup.

When there’s a rumbly in your tummy, and a chill in the air, nothing can beat this soup. 

My recipe (I don’t measure exactly, so taste often and tweak to how you like it): 

Peel and take out seeds in 1 butternut squash, cube. 

In a casserole dish, add

  • the cubes,
  • 4T olive oil,
  • 1t each of: onion powder, garlic powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin, ginger, allspice, and a dash of pepper. 

Toss together well, so all cubes are covered in oil.

Bake at 350° for 40 minutes. 

I then let cool, then bagged in fridge overnight. 

Add cooked squash cubes, 2oz cubed cream cheese, and 2C veggie broth (any brand canned or boxed) into a blender and purée until a fine liquid. 

In a large pot, add:

  • the squash purée,
  • 1C half&half,
  • 6oz apple juice,
  • 3T brown sugar,
  • 1/2t of each of the following: cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and salt. 

Over med-low heat, bring soup just to a simmer, stirring often. Cover and let barely simmer 30 minutes until piping hot. 

Serve in a bread bowl topped with some toasted pumpkin seeds for that special touch. 

Serves an entire large family with enough for lunch the next day.